
“A good traveler has no fixed plans and no intent on arriving.” – Lao Tzu

My trip to Israel was very unexpected and as it usually happens with unexpected occasions it exceeded all my expectations!

Being an agnostic I’ve never though that I may enjoy so much such a religious city as Jerusalem with all the sacred places, cathedrals, mosques and synagogues and religious people all over the places. Tel Aviv conversely shocked me with its beautiful beaches, calming sea views, magnificent nightlife and warm and friendly Tel Aviv residents and tourists.

Israel is a country of sun, love and peace, I would say from a traveler’s point of view. I’d never thought before this trip that these words could be so descriptive of this country. I literally fell in love with the country and finally even changed my trip tickets to have a chance to stay few days more!

Followed Lao Tzu’s advice)


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